Cu-containing silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) ceramic composites have been prepared by thermal pyrolysis of polymeric precursors and subsequent spark plasma sintering at 1600 °C. The resulting composites consist of SiO2, SiC, free carbon, and Cu-Si alloys. The microstructure of the composites has been identified via optical microscope and SEM. The mechanical properties, including the Vickers hardness, nano-indentation hardness, and Young’s modulus, of the SiOC composites have been assessed via indentation methods. The effects of Cu content on the tribological properties of the composites have additionally been investigated under different sliding frequencies against Al2O3 spheres at room temperature. It is shown that the introduction of the Cu-Si alloys is effective in reducing the friction coefficient of the material system, which decreases linearly from 0.27 of monolithic SiOC to 0.15 of SiOC with 7 wt.% Cu content at 1 Hz. Raman spectroscopy has highlighted the friction-driven evolution of the free carbon phase in the SiOC ceramics. Finally, a correlation between the sliding frequency, Cu-Si content, and tribological properties of SiOC is established.