Previous studies have examined the effect of whole body (WB) parameters on anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) strain and loads, as well as knee joint kinetics and kinematics. However, articular cartilage damage occurs in relation to ACL failure, and the effect of WB parameters on ACL strain and articular cartilage biomechanics during dynamic tasks is unclear.(1) To investigate the effect of WB parameters on ACL strain, as well as articular cartilage stress and contact force, during a single-leg cross drop (SLCD) and single-leg drop (SLD). (2) To identify WB parameters predictive of high ACL strain during these tasks.Descriptive laboratory study.Three-dimensional motion analysis data from 14 physically active men and women were recorded during an SLCD and SLD. OpenSim was used to obtain their kinematics, kinetics, and muscle forces for the WB model. Using these data in kinetically driven finite element simulations of the knee joint produced outputs of ACL strains and articular cartilage stresses and contact forces. Spearman correlation coefficients were used to assess relationships between WB parameters and ACL strain and cartilage biomechanics. Moreover, receiver operating characteristic curve analyses and multivariate binary logistic regressions were used to find the WB parameters that could discriminate high from low ACL strain trials.Correlations showed that more lumbar rotation away from the stance limb at peak ACL strain had the strongest overall association (ρ = 0.877) with peak ACL strain. Higher knee anterior shear force (ρ = 0.895) and lower gluteus maximus muscle force (ρ = 0.89) at peak ACL strain demonstrated the strongest associations with peak articular cartilage stress or contact force in ≥1 of the analyzed tasks. The regression model that used muscle forces to predict high ACL strain trials during the dominant limb SLD yielded the highest accuracy (93.5%), sensitivity (0.881), and specificity (0.952) among all regression models.WB parameters that were most consistently associated with and predictive of high ACL strain and poor articular cartilage biomechanics during the SLCD and SLD tasks included greater knee abduction angle at initial contact and higher anterior shear force at peak ACL strain, as well as lower gracilis, gluteus maximus, and medial gastrocnemius muscle forces.Knowledge of which landing postures create a high risk for ACL or cartilage injury may help reduce injuries in athletes by avoiding those postures and practicing the tasks with reduced high-risk motions, as well as by strengthening the muscles that protect the knee during single-leg landings.