Krypton chloride (KrCl*) excilamps emitting at far-UVC 222 nm represent a promising technology for microbial disinfection and advanced oxidation of organic micropollutants (OMPs) in water treatment. However, direct photolysis rates and photochemical properties at 222 nm are largely unknown for common OMPs. In this study, we evaluated photolysis for 46 OMPs by a KrCl* excilamp and compared it with a low-pressure mercury UV lamp. Generally, OMP photolysis was greatly enhanced at 222 nm with fluence rate-normalized rate constants of 0.2-21.6 cm2·μEinstein-1, regardless of whether they feature higher or lower absorbance at 222 nm than at 254 nm. The photolysis rate constants and quantum yields were 10-100 and 1.1-47 times higher, respectively, than those at 254 nm for most OMPs. The enhanced photolysis at 222 nm was mainly caused by strong light absorbance for non-nitrogenous, aniline-like, and triazine OMPs, while notably higher quantum yield (4-47 times of that at 254 nm) occurred for nitrogenous OMPs. At 222 nm, humic acid can inhibit OMP photolysis by light screening and potentially by quenching intermediates, while nitrate/nitrite may contribute more than others to screen light. Overall, KrCl* excilamps are promising in achieving effective OMP photolysis and merit further research.