In the last decade, chirality-induced spin selectivity (CISS) has undergone intensive study. However, there remain several critical issues, such as the microscopic mechanism of CISS, especially transverse CISS where electrons are injected perpendicular to the helix axis of chiral molecules, quantitative agreement between experiments and theory, and at which level the molecular handedness is key to the CISS. Here, we address these issues by performing a combined experimental and theoretical study on conducting polyaniline helical nanofibers which are synthesized in the absence of any chiral species. Large spin polarization is measured in both left- and right-handed nanofibers for electrons injected perpendicular to their helix axis, and it will be reversed by switching the nanofiber handedness. We first develop a theoretical model to study this transverse CISS and quantitatively explain the experiment. Our results reveal that our theory provides a unifying scheme to interpret a number of CISS experiments, quantitative agreement between experiments and numerical calculations can be achieved by weak spin-orbit coupling, and the supramolecular handedness is sufficient for spin selectivity without any chiral species.