This paper discusses the prediction of the dispersed phase drop diameter in polymer blends considering the viscoelastic properties of polymers. The prediction is based on a simple force proportionality. Polymers are viscoelastic, and thus the elasticity of the matrix and the elasticity of the dispersed phase affect the drop size. The forces that deform a polymer droplet in a polymer matrix are the shear forces, η m γ and the matrix first normal stress, T 11,m . This deformation is resisted by the interfacial forces, 2 Γ/D and the drop's first normal stress, T 11,d . As a first approximation, the forces were balanced to predict the particle size in polymer blends. The diameter of the dispersed phase was predicted reasonably well for several systems at different operating conditions. It was observed for some systems (PS/PP, PS/EPMA, PS/PA330) that, as the shear rate increased, the diameter of the dispersed phase initially decreased. At a critical shear rate, the diameter reached a minimum value, and beyond it, the diameter increased with shear. This critical value was found to be between 100 to 162.5 s -1 for a PS/PP system. The force balance predicts this minimum drop diameter at a similar critical shear rate. The specific energy input (the amount of energy input into the blend) could not explain the phenomenon of a minimum drop diameter with increase in shear. This minimum is not observed for the high concentration systems, such as the 20% PP dispersed in PS, since the effects of coalescence become significant. In reactive blends, the predicted drop diameter was closer to the experimentally determined diameter, and there was less variation in diameter with changes in shear rate.