Abstract 11271: Three-Dimensional Deep-Tissue Imaging of the Right Ventricle Reveals Decreased Capillary-Cardiomyocyte Contact Surface in Decompensated Right Heart Failure
Introduction: Right ventricular (RV) function determines the prognosis of pulmonary hypertension. Capillary rarefaction using 2D imaging has been proposed as the hallmark of RV failure, although this paradigm is controversially discussed. By applying 3D deep-tissue imaging, we characterized the adaptive and maladaptive response of the capillaries in the pressure-overloaded RV in hypertrophy and failure. Methods and Results: Mice subjected to pulmonary artery banding (PAB) were harvested after 3 weeks (w) (compensated RV hypertrophy) and 7w post-surgery (decompensated RV failure). Hearts were sectioned into 250 μm and capillaries were stained with isolectin B4. Samples were imaged with confocal microscopy and reconstructed into 3D using Imaris imaging software (Fig. A, n=4). In the RV free wall, mean capillary length decreased, and branching, tortuosity, mean and total capillary diameter increased 3w post-PAB. Mean and total diameter, and total length decreased at 7w resulting in a reduced capillary volume normalized to heart volume at 7w vs 3w, but not significantly reduced vs baseline suggesting that this is not the mechanism of RV failure (Fig. B). However, most strikingly we uncovered by sparsely labeling cardiomyocytes that the capillary-cardiomyocyte contact surface was maintained at w3, yet significantly decreased in areas of interstitial fibrosis in the decompensated RV at 7w compared to baseline and 3w (Fig. C, D). Conclusions: 3D deep-tissue imaging uncovered the remarkable adaptive response of the RV microvasculature in the pressure-overloaded RV to maintain an adequate capillary-cardiomyocyte contact by increasing capillary branching, length and diameter. These mechanisms failed in the decompensating RV when interstitial fibrosis impaired the capillary-cardiomyocyte interaction. Our method offers the unprecedented opportunity to study microvascular adaption in the pressure overloaded RV and is readily transferable to human tissue.