The salivary calculus is an ancient pathologic condition, called sublingual stone by Hyppocrates. It is well-defined from a anatomo-pathologic, diagnostic and topographic viewpoint, though some pathogenesis-related doubts still exist. This work aims at relating the micro-morpho-structural aspect of a salivary calculus of remarkable dimensions with the current calculogenetic hypotheses.A 1.1 g salivary calculus removed from the initial section of Wrthon s duct in the right-hand submandibular gland of a 42 year old male has been studied. Following the fixation in 4% buffered formalin and the inclusion in resin, it was serially sectioned in 15-20 micron slices. Some sections were coloured with toluidine blue O and acid fuchsin. The exeresis of the calculus was carried out intraorally, with marsupialization under local anesthesia. The analysis was performed using a SEM with backscattered electrons and a polarised and transmitted light microscope.The investigations have outlined the presence of various organic cores and a concentric, stratiform architecture interrupted by radial elements.The formation of this calculus may be due to mixed secondary lithiasis resulting from the formation of colloids and crystalloids.