Introduction PART I: FILM 'That Younger, Fresher Woman': Old Wives for New (1918) and Hollywood's Cult of Youth H.Addison The Unconscious of Age: Performances in Psychoanalysis, Film and Popular Culture E.A.Kaplan Old Cops: Occupational Aging in a Film Genre N.King PART II: THEATRE Performing Female Age in Shakespeare's Plays J.Hill & V.B.Lipscomb Mediating Childhood: How Child Spectators Interpret Actors' Bodies in Theatrical Media J.Klein 'What Age Am I Now? And I?': The Science of the Aged Voice in Beckett's Plays R.Pe Palileo Moliere's Miser, Old Age, and Potency A.Wood PART III: DANCE Old Dogs, New Tricks: Intergenerational Dance J.Berson Age and the Dance Artist B.Dickinson Still Tapping after All These Years: Age and Respect in Tap Dance W.Oliver