This chapter provides an overview of the various applications and recent developments in the field of hydrocolloids for edible films, coatings, and food packaging. Food coatings/films serve as inhibitors of moisture, gas, aroma, and lipid migration. They can include antioxidants, preservatives, nanoparticles, or other additives to improve the foods' mechanical integrity, handling, and quality. Macromolecules found in edible films are mainly polysaccharides, proteins, and lipids. Considerable attention has been focused on the development of composite edible films that utilize the favorable functional characteristics of each class of macromolecule. Some potential uses of these coatings include the wrapping of various fabricated foods, shelf-life extension of fruit and vegetables by controlling maturation, protection of meat and fish, and resistance to oil absorption for fried products. Much progress has been recently made in the research and development of bio-nanocomposite edible films/coatings for various food applications.