Carboxylic acids can be decarboxylated by anodic oxidation to radicals (Kolbe-electrolysis) and/or carbocations (non-Kolbe electrolysis). The procedure and necessary equipment is simple, a scale-up easy, the choice of carboxylic acids wide, the selectivity towards radicals or carbocations can be controlled by reaction conditions and the structure of the carboxylic acid, the yields are in general good. The radical pathway can be used for the preparation of e.g. 1,n-diesters, pheromones, or rare fatty acids. Electrolysis in the presence of olefins affords additive dimers and monomers or by intramolecular addition five membered carbocycles and heterocycles. By non-Kolbe electrolysis carboxylic acids can be converted into ethers, acetals, olefins or acetamides. Rearrangements and fragmentations lead to stereospecifically substituted cyclopentanoids and one- or four-carbon ring extensions.