Compound animal feed (CAF) and groundnut-cake (ONC) samples were inoculated with aflatoxigenic mold (A.flavus SK-69) and detoxifying organisms (F. multivorum MTCC-498 and Ab. repells MTCC-1327) in I: I ratio and incubated at 28°C for 10 days. Aflatoxins were extracted from the samples at different intervals and measured by HPLC. Preformed AFB, and AFO, were degraded to 52.86, 63.30% and 62.54, 70.30%, respectively, by single- and five-fold inoculum of F. multivorum MTCC-498 in CAF, whereas, maximum degradation of AFB, was 49.34 and 61.70% with single- and five-fold inoculum in ONC respectively. Ab. repens MTCC-1327 inoculateo in CAF along with aflatoxigenic mold degraded AFB, in higher amount with single- and five-fold inoculum as compared to F. multivorum MTCC-498 which degraded AFO, in higher amounts. There was 43.63 and 70.29% degradation of AFB, and 33.35 and 60.73% of AFO, in ONC by single- and five-fold inoculum of Ab. repells MTCC-1327 respectively. Ab. repens MTCC-1327 effectively reduced the amount of pure AFB, in single- (78.52%) and five-fold (90.38%) inoculum in ONC, whereas it was less (67.13 and 76.94%) in CAF.