On account of their low cost coupled with acceptable efficiency, electrospinning can be considered to be both a viable and feasible method for the production of continuous nanofibers having a uniform structure. With noticeable developments in the areas spanning catalysis, fluidics, purification and even separation, nanofibers having a core-shell nanostructure have been both examined and studied with the primary purpose of achieving a uniform structure. With sustained efforts in the domain of both research and development, two electrospinning methods, namely (i) coaxial electrospinning and (ii) emulsion electrospinning, did emerge as potentially viable choices for the preparation of continuous nanofibers having a core-shell nanostructure. In this research paper, the discovery and progress made with specific reference to the techniques of coaxial electrospinning and emulsion electrospinning are examined. A prudent use of the two techniques for the preparation of hollow nanofibers is examined. Potential applications of core-shell nanofibers, prepared using the method of electrospinning, for the purpose of self-healing and drug release are examined and discussed. An outline is provided of the work that is currently being done on aspects related to both theory and experiments with the primary purpose of gaining an understanding of the two techniques.