The term pine oil or essential oil of turpentine comes from the terpenic oil, obtained by various distillation methods of the resinous exudates or wood of coniferous trees. Turpentine oil is often obtained by distillation with a Clevenger-type extractor for different periods of time, and the oleoresin is then separated by density difference. Turpentine oil is often classified as sulfate turpentine, wood turpentine, gum turpentine, or crude turpentine, according to the route by how it is produced. The composition of turpentine oil directly depends on a variety of factors, including extraction and refining methods, plant part, species, geographical location, and season. Turpentine is a constituent of paints, coatings, and paint thinners and solvents because the terpenes present in turpentine oil are capable of accelerating the drying of oils and other film formers.