This paper presents a detailed investigation of the switching loss behavior of Si IGBT and SiC MOSFET in a Dual Active Bridge Series Resonant Converter (DABSRC). The converter is operated at different frequencies and the loss behavior of both devices at various frequencies is comprehensively analyzed. Moreover, the consequence of stored charges of IGBT in its losses is detailed in this paper. The switching loss is expected to be minimal if a device is operated under Zero Current Switching (ZCS) condition but a substantial amount of switching loss is found in IGBT device. An operating point is found through experiments, where 51.92 % reduction in switching loss is observed compared to the ZCS case. The effect of dead-time on switching loss of IGBTs is also evaluated through the experiments and a significant reduction in switching loss is noticed on increasing the dead-time from 1 $\mu s$ to 4 $\mu s$ . The difference in switching loss behavior of Si IGBT and SiC MOSFET observed during the experiments, is presented through a comparative study. The loss becomes 2.86 times lower on replacing Si IGBTs with SiC MOSFETs in the same frequency range. All the results are experimentally validated through a 4.2 kW prototype of isolated DABSRC with a 600 $V$ DC bus.