An important source of dioxins and furans at present is waste incineration, utmost formed during combustion processes and emitted to the environment without being fully captured by waste-gas treatment equipment. In this study, monitoring campaign of International Toxic Equivalents for dioxins and furans (I-TEQDF), was carried out at pharmaceutical industrial waste incinerator to find a correlation between combustion parameters and feed composition with potential emission. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) shows that high values of dioxin emission correlate with short residence time of the flue gas in the furnace as well as low oxygen concentration. These operating conditions were further investigated, using COMSOL Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation to calculate the temperature profiles along the furnace. The results suggest that the flame temperature profile is anticipated to exhibit cold areas (cold spots), which may be used as a proxy for dioxin formation due to incomplete combustion. Additionally, the calculated congeners furan to dioxin concentration ratio, points to their formation via de novo mechanism. SEM-EDS analysis preformed on the bag filter upstream the feed following its filtration, have shown large amount of iron, which may have served as a metal catalytic source for dioxin formation. The iron origin is most likely from corrosion of the feeding pipe, drifted with the waste gas and trapped on the bag filter. The results of this study provide a better understanding of the parameters controlling dioxin formation and emission from the plant and may assist a planning of process optimization in such a plant.