期刊:Springer Proceedings in Materials日期:2023-01-01卷期号:: 536-546
The work is devoted to modernization of the surface driveSurface drive of a screw pumpScrew pump for extraction of high-viscosity oil. The peculiarity of these units is that it has the ability to regulate the rotation frequency of the drive rod string by changing the gear ratio in the reducers. The existing designsDesign use mechanical regulation by installing interchangeable pulleys with belt gears. In this case the overall dimensions and labor intensity of assembly operations during the transition of a well to another operation mode increase significantly. A promising designDesign of surface driveSurface drive for screw pumpScrew pump is suggested. Kinematic analysis of the proposed drive is performed. An original method of calculating the number of teethNumber of teeth of the reducing insertReducing insert wheel is applied. The method is based on application of numerical methods for solution of the systemSystems of inequalities. A selection of transmission ratios of the pump drive and a designDesign calculation of the main nodes of the reducing insertReducing insert have been performed. The comparative analysis of the screw pumpScrew pump flow diagrams with the drive of standard and proposed designDesign has been carried out. A 3D model3D model of the reducing insertReducing insert has been created in CADCAD. Strength calculations of the reducing insertReducing insert body by the finite element methodFinite element method (FEM) in the SolidWorks Simulation software package have been performed. Possible sources of economic efficiency of this research are determined.