„Implantieren oder nicht implantieren?“: Messung elektrisch evozierter auditorischer Hirnstammpotenziale zur Entscheidungsfindung bei Resektion eines Vestibularisschwannoms und CI
Valerie Dahm,Anselm Joseph Gadenstaetter,Christoph Arnoldner
Abstract Vestibular schwannomas (VS) are often associated with debilitating hearing loss. Therefore, preservation and rehabilitation of hearing have become major therapeutic goals of VS management. Recently, cochlear implantation (CI) has been established as an effective treatment option for VS-associated hearing loss. Nevertheless, the integrity and proper function of the cochlear nerve must be evaluated before conducting CI to ensure optimal CI outcomes. Various methods to determine cochlear nerve integrity and functionality have emerged in the last few years. Of these, the use of electrically evoked auditory brainstem response audiometry (eABR) in particular has been proven to be a meaningful tool for monitoring cochlear nerve health during VS surgery. Here, the cochlear nerve can be electrically stimulated using an intracochlear test electrode before, during, and after tumor extirpation. Subsequently, the resulting brainstem responses can be measured and interpreted accordingly to obtain direct information on the cochlear nerve function. This allows for continuous monitoring of cochlear nerve function throughout the course of VS surgery and aids in the decision-making for CI candidacy. Finally, in the case of preserved brainstem responses, CI can be performed instantly after VS extirpation. This simultaneous approach offers several advantages over two-staged procedures and has been shown to be an efficient and safe procedure for restoring hearing after VS removal.