Mieke van Schaik,Eline J. Arends,Marjolein J.A.L. Wetzels,Tineke Kraaij,Sascha Verbruggen,Sandra W. van der Kooij,Sylvia W.A. Kamerling,T. Huizinga,Robbert J Goekoop,Cees van Kooten,Ton J. Rabelink,Y.K. Onno Teng
Objective Combination therapy with rituximab and belimumab is a novel treatment strategy for severe SLE and lupus nephritis. Phase II studies have shown promising results, although long-term data are currently lacking. To address this, we analysed outcomes of patients with severe treatment-refractory SLE who previously participated in the phase II Synbiose Study, with a particular focus on immunological parameters. Methods Eight patients continued belimumab treatment beyond the 2-year duration of the original trial. We conducted a descriptive study to evaluate the course of treatment and immunological parameters over an extended follow-up. Our analyses include blood cell counts, immunoglobulins, autoantibodies, complement markers and clinical disease activity parameters. Additionally, we examined long-term effects on the B cell compartment employing high-sensitivity flow cytometry. Results Over a median follow-up period of 6.8 years, six out of eight previously treatment-refractory patients maintained long-term clinical remission, while two experienced a major flare. Among those in remission, two patients achieved immunosuppression-free remission, and four continued belimumab. Long-term effects on humoral (auto-)immunity were a persistent decrease in IgM levels, while IgG normalised. Most patients maintained low autoantibody titres, and complement markers remained normal. On the cellular level, belimumab treatment after rituximab prevented B cell repopulation. Notably, patients exhibited a stable reduction of double-negative (DN) B cells, irrespective of continuing or stopping belimumab. Conclusions Long-lasting remission was observed in patients with SLE following combination treatment with rituximab and belimumab. We observed no significant hypogammaglobulinaemia and, notably, persistent reduction of DN B cells.