Asian summer monsoon (ASM) and regional rainfall responses to external and internal forcings remain actively debated, especially at significant climate transitions. Here we present decadally-resolved stalagmite stable isotope (δ18O and δ13C) and trace element records from central China to reconstruct Asian hydroclimate variability across the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 7/6 transition. The results demonstrate that the maximum level of effective precipitation (or precipitation/evaporation, P/E), derived from δ13C and element records, is practically similar between MIS 7.0 and early MIS 6.5, punctuated by a series of centennial-scale moisture-deficit events, in contrast to precessional-scale ASM changes (i.e., δ18O). At millennial scale, the ASM decline is positively correlated to P/E changes, with an exponential relationship between them. It reveals that Earth's boundary conditions could differently modulate ASM and P/E changes at orbital scale, while internal forcings can generate synchronous responses. Moreover, the ASM intensity and P/E conditions exhibit enhanced instability into MIS 6, about 1.5 times in amplitude of MIS 7. These millennial-scale hydroclimate variations are in line with a rise of Northern Hemisphere summer insolation, an El Niño/La Niña transition, the increased seasonality and high-frequency tropical climate variability. Hence, low-latitude hydrological conditions could be susceptible to subtle perturbations in the climate system, providing a precondition for the arrival of MIS 6.