A.B Naseruddin,Norhafizah Burham,Anees Abdul Aziz,Khairudin Nurulhuda
This paper presents the simulation of Aluminium Nitride (AIN) as lead-free piezoelectric materials for energy harvesting using COMSOL Multiphysics software by designing a 2D block bimorph cantilever beam. This project aims to simulate the performance of AlN in fabrication state in term of generated power with frequency response by varying three different components such as elasticity matrix, density and coupling matrix. The simulated result shows the highest electric potential and total power dissipation achieved by increasing the value of elasticity matrix coefficient C 11 above 350 GPa at frequency response 180 Hz. As for density, Aluminium Nitride (AIN) has higher electric potential with a value of 135.255 mV when density (ρ) at 2700 kg/m 3 . Meanwhile, for the coupling matrix, by increasing the coefficient of e31 and e33, Aluminium Nitride (AIN) can achieve higher electrical potential and total power dissipation with the values of 159.2 mV and 266.099 µW, respectively. At the end of the paper, AIN gives the best performance by increasing the elasticity matrix coefficient C 11 , lowering the value of density, and increasing the coupling matrix coefficient e31 and e33.