Based on the latest references, combined with China's actual situation, a consensus statement on the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency after pancreatic surgery was developed by more than 20 Chinese extinguished experts, following 3 times of thorough discussions. This consensus discusses the definition, epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency after pancreatic surgery. The authors hope this consensus will promote the standard procedure of diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency in China.本共识在参考国际上相关文献和专家共识的基础上,由全国20余位专家历经3次讨论,并结合我国实际情况制定。本共识采用问答的方式,对胰腺术后外分泌功能不全的定义、流行病学特征、诊断、治疗、随访等问题进行了阐述,以期进一步规范我国胰腺术后外分泌功能不全的诊治。.