Abstract Van der Waals (vdWs) heterostructures enable bandgap engineering of different 2D materials to realize the interlayer transition via type‐II band alignment leading to broaden spectrum that is beyond the cut‐off wavelength of individual 2D materials. Interlayer transition has a significant effect on the optoelectronic performance of vdWs heterostructure devices, and strong interlayer transition in 2D vdWs heterojunction is always demandable for sufficient charge transfer and rapid speed response. Herein, a state‐of‐the‐art review is presented on recent progress on interlayer transition in vdWs heterostructures for near‐infrared (NIR) photodetectors. First, the general synthesis techniques for vdWs heterostructures, band alignments in the vdWs heterostructures are provided. Then, the mechanism of interlayer transition in vdWs heterostructure and recent progress on interlayer transition in vdWs heterostructures for NIR photodetectors are summarized. Afterward, some worthy applications of NIR photodetectors are reviewed in related areas of this topic. At the last, an outlook, challenges, and future research directions of vdWs heterostructures for photodetectors at broaden response spectrum are presented.