Ensuring the safe production of food and oil crops in soils with elevated cadmium (Cd) content in karst regions is crucial. We tested a field experiment to examine the long-term remediation effects of compound microorganisms (CM), strong anion exchange adsorbent (SAX), processed oyster shell (POS), and composite humic acids (CHA) on Cd contamination in paddy fields under a rice-oilseed rape rotation system. In comparison to the control group (CK), the application of amendments significantly increased soil pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and soil organic matter (SOM) content while markedly decreasing the content of available Cd (ACd). During the rice cultivation season, Cd was predominantly concentrated in the roots. Relative to the control (CK), the Cd content in each organ was significantly reduced. The Cd content in brown rice decreased by 19.18-85.45%. The Cd content in brown rice following different treatments exhibited the order of CM > POS > CHA > SAX, which was lower than the Chinese Food Safety Standard (GB 2762-2017) (0.20 mg/kg). Intriguingly, during the oilseed rape cultivation season, we discovered that oilseed rape possesses potential phytoremediation capabilities, with Cd mainly accumulating in roots and stems. Notably, CHA treatment alone significantly decreased the Cd content in oilseed rape grains to 0.156 mg/kg. CHA treatment also maintained soil pH and SOM content, consistently reduced soil ACd content, and stabilized Cd content in RSF within the rice-oilseed rape rotation system. Importantly, CHA treatment not only enhances crop production but also has a low total cost (1255.230 US$/hm2). Our research demonstrated that CHA provides a consistent and stable remediation effect on Cd-contaminated rice fields within the crop rotation system, as evidenced by the analysis of Cd reduction efficiency, crop yield, soil environmental change, and total cost. These findings offer valuable guidance for sustainable soil utilization and safe production of grain and oil crops in the context of high Cd concentrations in karst mountainous regions.