We have been investigating the long-term drift of pressure gauges under constant pressure application with the aim to improve the precision of pressure monitoring at seafloor. This paper focuses on the effect of surrounding temperature on the long-term drift of quartz Bourdon-type pressure gauges. The pressure of 100 MPa was continuously applied to the test gauge for several months at 3 °C and 23 °C. The calibration results at 100 MPa and those at atmospheric pressure were traced. The long-term drift at 3 °C was much smaller than that at 23 °C. In addition, the variations in the calibration results at 100 MPa and 0 MPa were different at 3 °C, whereas the two variations were identical at 23 °C. The effect of temperature on the drift characteristics should be considered for the appropriate selection of gauges and procedure of the actual pressure monitoring at seafloor.