M. J. Schaffer,J. A. Snipes,P. Gohil,E. de la Luna,T.E. Evans,M.E. Fenstermacher,Xiang Gao,A. M. Garofalo,D. Gates,C. M. Greenfield,W. W. Heidbrink,G. Krämer,R.J. La Haye,S.C. Liu,A. Loarte,Jet Contributors,T.H. Osborne,N. Oyama,Jong-Kyu Park,N. Ramasubramanian,D. Reiser,G. Saibene,A. Salmi,K. Shinohara,D. A. Spong,W.M. Solomon,T. Tala,Y. B. Zhu,J.A. Boedo,V.A. Chuyanov,E. J. Doyle,M. Jakubowski,Hogun Jhang,R. Nazikian,V. D. Pustovitov,O. Schmitz,R. Srinivasan,T. S. Taylor,M. R. Wade,K.-I. You,L. Zeng
Experiments at DIII-D investigated the effects of magnetic error fields similar to those expected from proposed ITER test blanket modules (TBMs) containing ferromagnetic material. Studied were effects on: plasma rotation and locking, confinement, L–H transition, the H-mode pedestal, edge localized modes (ELMs) and ELM suppression by resonant magnetic perturbations, energetic particle losses, and more. The experiments used a purpose-built three-coil mock-up of two magnetized ITER TBMs in one ITER equatorial port. The largest effect was a reduction in plasma toroidal rotation velocity v across the entire radial profile by as much as Δ v / v ∼ 60% via non-resonant braking. Changes to global Δ n / n , Δβ/β and ΔH 98 /H 98 were ∼3 times smaller. These effects are stronger at higher β. Other effects were smaller. The TBM field increased sensitivity to locking by an applied known n = 1 test field in both L- and H-mode plasmas. Locked mode tolerance was completely restored in L-mode by re-adjusting the DIII-D n = 1 error field compensation system. Numerical modelling by IPEC reproduces the rotation braking and locking semi-quantitatively, and identifies plasma amplification of a few n = 1 Fourier harmonics as the main cause of braking. IPEC predicts that TBM braking in H-mode may be reduced by n = 1 control. Although extrapolation from DIII-D to ITER is still an open issue, these experiments suggest that a TBM-like error field will produce only a few potentially troublesome problems, and that they might be made acceptably small.