The functional stay-green trait gives leaves a longer duration of greenness and photosynthetic capacity during the grain-filling period. We developed two independent recombinant inbred line populations from the intra- and intersubspecific crosses of Oryza sativa L. subsp. japonica ‘Suweon490’ (japonica) × O. sativa subsp. japonica ‘SNU-SG1’ (japonica) and O. sativa subsp. indica ‘Andabyeo’ (indica) × O. sativa subsp. japonica ‘SNU-SG1’ (japonica), respectively. The common parental line ‘SNU-SG1’ was the functional source for the stay-green trait. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping based on simple sequence repeat markers identified a total of six QTLs associated with two stay-green traits across two populations. The two traits were cumulative chlorophyll content (SPAD value) of flag leaf (CSFL) and total cumulative SPAD value of the four upper leaves (TCS). Four QTLs, tcs4, csfl6, csfl9 (or tcs9), and csfl12, located on chromosomes 4, 6, 9, and 12, respectively, were detected simultaneously in both populations. The remaining two QTLs, csfl2 (or tcs2) and tcs5, on chromosomes 2 and 5, respectively, were found to be population specific. Moreover, the functional stay-green trait of ‘SNU-SG1’ positively correlated with grain yield performance. Two yield QTLs, yld6 and yld9, on chromosomes 6 and 9 found in both populations were positioned at the same locations with the csfl6 and tcs9 QTLs for stay-green traits. Thus, the identified chromosomal regions can be promising targets of marker-assisted introgression of the functional stay-green trait into breeding materials for improvement of rice yield.