Industrial inulin extraction requires high temperature and long duration to ensure inulin productivity. In addition complex steps are necessary to purify extracted chicory juice and to obtain inulin with desirable purity. In order to avoid the extracting of inulin at high temperature, to obtain chicory juice with better quality and to purify chicory juice with more simple operation, pulsed electric fields (PEF) and membrane filtration were applied to this study : PEF was used to intensify inulin extraction from chicory roots. By pre-treatment of chicory slices at 600 V/cm, diffusion temperature at pilot scale can be decreased to 60oC from about 80oC (industrial extraction condition) to obtain comparable juice inulin concentration. Moreover, this moderate temperature diffusion brought out interesting energy savings compared to that of conventional diffusion. For the goal of extracting inulin at “cold” condition (for example 30oC) PEF induced combined electroporation/ohmic heating pretreatment was applied for chicory tissue denaturation. Better solute extraction was observed after effective damage of chicory tissue diffusivity.Juice extracted from PEF assisted diffusion (PEF juice) was confirmed had higher inulin purity and less impurity in comparison to juice from conventional thermal diffusion process. The juice was purified by membrane filtration in order to investigate a simple chicory juice purification method. Since it contains less impurity, dead-end filtration performance of PEF juice was significantly improved, with less membrane fouling and higher inulin purity in filtrate. However, permeate flux of membrane filtration was seriously restricted by the membrane fouling. In order to improve filtration flux, rotating disk module was introduced in this study for clarification and purification of chicory juice. Elevated shear rate of rotating disk (1500–2000 rpm) could effectively control or even eliminate membrane fouling and lead to satisfying carbohydrate transmission (98%) and desirable permeate flux even at high volume reduction ratio (10). In view of energy saving, optimization of RDM assisted chicory juice filtration was carried out and yielded optimal operation conditions to maximize average flux and minimize specific energy consumption.