Abstract Understanding the effect of near-field materials, such as iron corrosion products, on the alteration of vitreous nuclear waste is essential for modeling long-term stability of these waste forms in a geological repository. This work presents experimental results for which monoliths of International Simple Glass—a six oxide borosilicate glass–, with polished and unpolished cut sides, were aged for 70 days under oxic conditions at 90 °C in a solution initially saturated in 29 SiO 2 at pH 7; then magnetite was added to the leaching environment. Solution and solid analyses were performed to correlate the changes in the surface features and dissolution kinetics. It was found that magnetite primarily influences the mechanically constrained surface of the non-polished sides of the monoliths, with little to no effect on the polished surfaces. This work highlights the importance of the unique chemistry within surface cracks that invokes a drastic change in alteration of glass in environments containing iron corrosion products.