According to the characteristics of the microscopic unit strength of rock with random distribution, the power function distribution, and the Weibull distribution which is widely used in the past as the distribution function of the strength of the rock. Based on the theory of rock damage and statistical strength theory, two damage constitutive models established under three different confining pressures are modified. Then, the damage constitutive modified model of two kinds of distribution is verified and compared with the existing three axis test data. The results show that: (1) In the stage of elastic deformation of rock, the two theoretical damage constitutive model curves are in high agreement with the three axis test curve; (2) The rock at the plastic stage (hardening and softening), damage constitutive model established by Weibull probability distribution and experimental curve fits better than the damage constitutive model established by power function distribution. Especially in high confining pressure, damage constitutive model based on Weibull distribution can well describe the rock deformation from brittle to ductile transition process and power function is not; (3) In the residual strength in rock, damage variable D of damage constitutive model based on power function distribution appeared more than 1, which is deviation from the actual one and damage constitutive model based on Weibull distribution is not deviating. To summarize, using Weibull distribution statistical probability model to describe the microscopic unit strength of rock is more reasonable.