Matthew O. Reese,Suren A. Gevorgyan,Mikkel Jørgensen,Eva Bundgaard,Sarah Kurtz,David S. Ginley,Dana C. Olson,Matthew T. Lloyd,P. Morvillo,Eugene A. Katz,A. Elschner,Olivier Haillant,Travis R. Currier,Vishal Shrotriya,Martin Hermenau,Moritz Riede,Kiril R. Kirov,Gregor Trimmel,Thomas Rath,Olle Inganäs
Procedures for testing organic solar cell devices and modules with respect to stability and operational lifetime are described. The descriptions represent a consensus of the discussion and conclusions reached during the first 3 years of the international summit on OPV stability (ISOS). The procedures include directions for shelf life testing, outdoor testing, laboratory weathering testing and thermal cycling testing, as well as guidelines for reporting data. These procedures are not meant to be qualification tests, but rather generally agreed test conditions and practices to allow ready comparison between laboratories and to help improving the reliability of reported values. Failure mechanisms and detailed degradation mechanisms are not covered in this report.