The topic of ambient gas analysis has been rapidly developed in the last few years with the evolution of the exciting new techniques such as DESI, DART and EESI. The essential feature of all is that analysis of trace gases can be accomplished either in the gas phase or those released from surfaces, crucially avoiding sample collection or modification. In this regard, selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry, SIFT-MS, also performs ambient analyses both accurately and rapidly. In this focused review we describe the underlying ion chemistry underpinning SIFT-MS through a discourse on the reactions of different classes of organic and inorganic molecules with H3O+, NO+ and O2+˙ studied using the SIFT technique. Rate coefficients and ion products of these reactions facilitate absolute SIFT-MS analyses and can also be useful for the interpretation of data obtained by the other ambient analysis methods mentioned above. The essential physics and flow dynamics of SIFT-MS are described that, together with the reaction kinetics, allow SIFT-MS to perform absolute ambient analyses of trace compounds in humid atmospheric air, exhaled breath and the headspace of aqueous liquids. Several areas of research that, through pilot experiments, are seen to benefit from ambient gas analysis using SIFT-MS are briefly reviewed. Special attention is given to exhaled breath and urine headspace analysis directed towards clinical diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring, and some other areas researched using SIFT-MS are summarised. Finally, extensions to current areas of application and indications of other directions in which SIFT-MS can be exploited for ambient analysis are alluded to.