One of the common GN causing ESKD is focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). Recurrence of FSGS post-transplantation can lead to graft loss. Data on management either prophylactically or once recurrence occurs are limited. This review article aims to assess the effective management of patients with FSGS recurrence post-transplantation, looking mainly at recurrence post prophylactic treatment and remission in case of treatment post recurrence.Twenty-three studies were included using the search MeSH terms "FSGS" "recurrence" "adults" "transplantation" "treatment". Search engines used were Pubmed, clinical key, Scopus and Cochrane library. Inclusion criteria were articles covered adult patients with recurrent FSGS post renal transplantation, treatment with rituximab and plasmapheresis, and articles published from 2000 tt2021. Excluded articles were paediatric population, studies with no reported outcomes of the treatment of FSGS, and Patients who received stem cell transplantation or galactose therapy.Prophylactic PP did not show a reduction in recurrence of FSGS in 2/3 studies. Prophylactic rituximab was shown to reduce recurrence of FSGS in one-study and case reports. Treatment of recurrent FSGS with PP showed responses ranging from 41% to 100%. Only one study did not show improvement with PP use as treatment having a 27% remission. Treatment with rituximab showed variable results, with reports showing remission ranging from 57% to 100%. Whereas other reports showing no response at all. PP prescription reporting was variable. One study suggested intensified PP regimen while in most other studies PP was guided by the response reflected by the reduction of proteinuria.Reviewing the treatment of recurrent FSGS is crucial, as there no consensus on treating FSGS as the disease is not very common in the adult population. The evidence of different modalities is based on small cohort studies. This paper supports the use of PP and RTX as treatment of recurrent FSGS.In conclusion, PP and RTX are the main modalities to treat recurrent FSGS with varying response rates. Prophylactic PP does not play a role in preventing recurrent FSGS. Prophylactic rituximab might play a role in preventing FSGS post-transplantation. PP and RTX, when used as a treatment, show variable response rates. Larger RCTs are needed to have a strong level of evidence to base our clinical management on.