The basic principles of quantum mechanics of the photon, describing its single-particle states by means of the wave function in the coordinate representation are given.This wave function is a wave packet constructed by the superposition of the basic bivectors which are eigenfunctions of the operators of energy, momentum and helicity.The results of modeling in the space-time of such wave packet with a Gaussian distribution on the momentum of the photon corresponding femtosecond laser radiation are discussed.On the basis of the general ideas about the evolution of this packet and within the framework of the constructed photon quantum mechanics the quantum-mechanical approach is proposed to explain the wave phenomena exhibited by light such as the light interference in Young's experiment.It is emphasized that actually the photon isn't some "created" quantum corpuscle, but it's a quasi-particle that is a result of the propagation of spin waves in physical vacuum, the nature of which should be considered at the Planck distances simultaneously with the structure of the leptons and other fundamental particles.