Improvement of the Resistive Switching Characteristics upon Halide Mixing in an All-Inorganic RbPbI3 Perovskite Polymer Composite Based Flexible Device
The magnificent properties of all-inorganic halide perovskites prompt them to be explored in electronic applications. In this report, we synthesized all-inorganic RbPbI3 perovskite nanorods (PNRs), with and without halide mixing. Synthesized perovskite nanorods were embedded in poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) for resistive switching (RS) application. The devices with pure RbPbI3 PNRs@PMMA did not show significant switching characteristics. However, the devices with chloride (Cl)-doped RbPbI3 in PMMA exhibited prominent RS behavior, which is attributed to the induction of defect/trap states due to Cl substitution at the halide site. However, a suitable concentration of the Cl-doped RbPbI3 in the PMMA matrix is desired for better device performance in terms of reliability, flexibility, and long-term stability. Finally, the switching mechanism could be explained in association with charge trapping and detrapping, facilitated by the defects/traps inside the mixed halide PNRs.