Abstract This paper analyzes the effects of scaling and measurement conditions on the performance of hybrid organic inorganic perovskite (HOIP) devices having bipolar resistive switching characteristics. Electroforming voltage, SET current, and ON/OFF ratios are found to be area dependent. Linear voltage sweep and pulse voltage characterization showed that parameters such as compliance current, voltage scan rate, pulse width, amplitude, and frequency significantly alter the device switching parameters. The CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 memristors fabricated has FORMING, SET, and RESET voltages of 1.18, 0.17, and −0.13 V, respectively, along with an ON/OFF ratio of 1.3 × 10 3 . It has been found that, both the RESET voltage and current significantly increase with scan rate, whereas the ON/OFF ratio increases significantly with compliance current. In case of voltage pulse characterization, the ON/OFF ratio can be enhanced by increasing the pulse amplitude and width. Additionally, the experimental data fitting to a SPICE based analytical model establishes that the HOIP memristor current conduction is dominated by tunneling process in the OFF state and is ohmic in the ON state. Based on the results, the authors arrive at a general protocol that can be used to characterize memristors made of HOIPs and other related materials such that they can operate optimally.