ABSTRACT This study proposes a multiple mediation model, in which destination loyalty intention is jointly influenced by the interplay among destination image, tourist satisfaction, and perceived value. Data were collected on Hainan Island, China and a total of 371 observations with 5,000 bootstraps were analyzed using the structural equation modeling technique. The results indicate that all possible single and multiple meditational effects within the model are substantiated. The meditational effects as well as the bootstrap approach employed to detect these effects contribute to the tourism literature significantly. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed in the context of tourism marketing and destination management.Footnote This work was jointly supported by The National Natural Science Fund of P. R. China (71262032) and by Hainan University, P. R. China (Kyqd:1230). Keywords: Destination imageperceived valuedestination loyalty intentionmultiple mediation modelthe bootstrap approach Notes This work was jointly supported by The National Natural Science Fund of P. R. China (71262032) and by Hainan University, P. R. China (Kyqd:1230).