Abstract The elementary theory of the bending of a beam on an elastic foundation is based on the assumption that the beam is resting on a continuously distributed set of springs the stiffness of which is defined by a “modulus of the foundation” k. Very seldom, however, does it happen that the foundation is actually constituted this way. Generally, the foundation is an elastic continuum characterized by two elastic constants, a modulus of elasticity E, and a Poisson ratio ν. The problem of the bending of a beam resting on such a foundation has been approached already by various authors. The author attempts to give in this paper a more exact solution of one aspect of this problem, i.e., the case of an infinite beam under a concentrated load. A notable difference exists between the results obtained from the assumptions of a two-dimensional foundation and of a three-dimensional foundation. Bending-moment and deflection curves for the two-dimensional case are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. A value of the modulus k is given for both cases by which the elementary theory can be used and leads to results which are fairly acceptable. These values depend on the stiffness of the beam and on the elasticity of the foundation.