As a visual technology, ultrasound has made great progress in the application of spinal anesthesia. Spinal anesthesia is a common anesthesia method for lower abdomen and lower limb surgery. Ultrasound can clearly show the spinal canal and its sur-rounding anatomy, which makes great significance to the precision of spinal anesthesia. Scanning before spinal anesthesia with ultra-sound can predict the difficulty of puncture, locate the puncture point and measure the depth of puncture, thereby improving the suc-cess rate of spinal anesthesia, real-time ultrasound guided spinal anesthesia can observe the angle and depth of the needle in real time , which makes the whole process of anesthesia visible, the application of ultrasound to difficult and pediatric spinal puncture can reduce the complications and risks caused by multiple puncture, which has far-reaching significance.
Key words:
Ultrasound; Spinal anesthesia; Position; Puncture