期刊:Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers [Thomas Telford Ltd.] 日期:2020-10-15卷期号:176 (1): 2-12被引量:3
In order to promote the application and development of steel–concrete composite beams in bridges, the fatigue performance of corroded studs was investigated. Based on fatigue crack propagation theory and the fatigue failure mechanism of corroded studs, a fatigue life prediction model for corroded studs was proposed. The values of key parameters in the fatigue life prediction model of corroded studs were obtained. Moreover, the fatigue life of corroded studs was analysed. Results show that the error between the calculated value and the test value of the fatigue life of corroded studs is less than 10%, and the fatigue life prediction model for corroded studs is sufficiently accurate. As the corrosion rate of a stud increases, its fatigue life rapidly decreases. When the corrosion rate of the stud increases from 5 to 50%, the fatigue life of the stud decreases from 20 to 90%, respectively; thus corrosion greatly reduces the fatigue life of the stud.