Puerarin (PUE), an isoflavonoid isolated from Pueraria lobata (Willd) Ohwi root, is a β-adrenergic receptor inhibitor used in treating glaucoma. The concentration range of gellan gum was determined based on the formulation viscosity and gelling capacity. PVP-K30 and gellan gum were used as variables, with the viscosity of formulation: STF = 40: 21, the 4 h permeation rate of rabbit isolated sclera, and 2 h in vitro release rate as response values. The JMP software was used to optimize the results, presenting that gellan gum was the main factor influencing viscosity. The in vitro release and permeation rate were primarily influenced by PVP-K30. The optimal prescription was 0.45% gellan gum and 6.0% PVP-K30. The in vitro release and permeation characteristics of puerarin in situ gel (PUE-ISG) were investigated using PUE solution as a control. The dialysis bag method results indicated that the release of the solution group leveled off after 4 h, while the PUE-ISG group had been continuously releasing. However, the cumulative release rates of the two were no longer significantly different at 10 h. The cumulative permeation rates of the ISG and solution groups were not significantly different (P > 0.05) in the rabbit isolated sclera. The apparent permeability Papp and steady-state flux Jss of PUE-ISG were 0.950 ± 0.059 cm/h and 9.504 ± 0.587 mg·(cm·h), respectively. A sensitive and stable HPLC-MS/MS analytical method for quantifying aqueous humor concentrations of PUE was validated. A microdialysis technique was successfully used in the aqueous humor pharmacokinetics study to sample aqueous humor from rabbit eye continuously. The results revealed that PUE-ISG significantly increased the drug concentration in the aqueous humor, with Cmax and AUC(0-t) 3.77 and 4.40 times higher than those of the solution group, respectively. Tmax was also significantly prolonged, indicating good prospects for clinical application. The developed PUE-ISG preparation has the characteristics of rapid drug release and sustained permeation, and increase the drug concentration in aqueous humor, with all inactive ingredients remaining within the maximum allowable limits recommended by the FDA guideline.