期刊:Social Science Research Network [Social Science Electronic Publishing] 日期:2022-01-01
One of the solutions to reduce CO2 emissions from the energy sector is to valorise biomass. One efficient method could be to install small power plants and place them on large biomass wastes producers, as there is a variety of biomass wastes types distributed unevenly across the globe. In this study, the performance of the gasification process was analysed for 5 types of biomass wastes. The gasification agent was air, and the influence of the amount of air introduced into the gasification reactor on the lower heating value and on the cold gas efficiency of the was analysed. The highest cold gas efficiency was obtained for oak sawdust gasification, 81.71%, and the lowest for maple bark gasification, 74.03%. To generate electric energy, a simple gas turbine cycle with an output of 250 kW and a combined cycle was used. In the case of the gas turbine a thermal efficiency of maximum 33.44% was obtained, and in the case of the combined cycle 45.14%. The post-combustion CO2 capture process by chemical absorption based on monoethanoamine in weight concentration of 30% has been integrated into the combined cycle. The efficiency penalty ranged up to 22% for a capture efficiency of 90%.