Chemotherapy induced polyploidy is a mechanism of inherited drug resistance resulting in an aggressive disease course in cancer patients. Alisertib, an Aurora Kinase A (AK-A) ATP site inhibitor, induces cell cycle disruption resulting in polyaneuploidy in Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL). Propidium iodide flow cytometry was utilized to quantify alisertib induced polyploidy in U2932 and VAL cell lines. In U2932 cells, 1µM alisertib generated 8n+ polyploidy in 48% of the total cell population after 5 days of treatment. Combination of Aurkin A an AK-A/TPX2 site inhibitor, plus alisertib disrupted alisertib induced polyploidy in a dose-dependent manner with associated increased apoptosis. We generated a stable FUCCI U2932 cell line expressing Geminin-clover (S/G