Drawing on the control-value theory, this study attempts to examine the effects of cognitive appraisals (perceived control, intrinsic and extrinsic value) and achievement emotions (pride, anxiety, and boredom) on Chinese English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) learners' engagement in LMOOCs. In doing so, several hypotheses were proposed and validated from a survey of 520 Chinese EFL undergraduates who used LMOOCs. Based on the structural equation modelling analysis, results revealed that (1) perceived control and intrinsic value had a positive and direct impact on engagement in LMOOCs; (2) perceived control and intrinsic value had a positive effect on pride and a negative effect on anxiety and boredom, while extrinsic value only had a positive impact on pride and anxiety; (3) while pride had a positive effect on engagement, boredom negatively affected engagement in LMOOCs; (4) perceived control and intrinsic value had a positive and indirect effect on engagement mediated by pride and boredom, while extrinsic value positively affected engagement in LMOOCs through pride. Implications regarding the causal relations of cognitive appraisals, achievement emotions, and engagement in LMOOCs have been discussed for further research.