Aims. Soft tissue leiomyosarcomas (LMS) are rare tumours which are associated with a poor prognosis. The goals of the present study were to describe the clinico-pathological and prognostic features of 42 patients affected by soft tissue LMS of the extremities. Methods. The following clinical and pathological parameters were analysed: age, sex, site, size, depth, previous surgical procedures, stage, histological type, nuclear atypia, grade, mitotic activity, necrosis, surgical margins, therapy. Disease-free survival rates were calculated. Results. The overall 2-year and 5-year disease free survival rates were 42.3% and 32.6%, respectively. By univariate analysis, tumour size (≤10 cm vs. >10 cm; p=0.01), average mitotic rate (≤19/10 HPF vs. >19/10 HPF; p=0.05), type of excision (wide vs. marginal or intralesional; p=0.001) and adjuvant radiotherapy (none vs. brachytherapy+external beam radiotherapy vs. external beam radiotherapy; p=0.02) were significantly correlated with disease progression. By multivariate analysis, the only factor that was found to be an independent predictor of disease relapse was type of excision (p=0.001). Conclusions. Large tumour size and high mitotic rate resulted adverse prognostic factors. Adjuvant radiation therapy, in combination with wide surgical excision, allowed the best chance of cure.