High dielectric loss and its monotonic dependence of conducting-dominated multiwalled carbon nanotubes/silica nanocomposite on temperature ranging from 373 to 873 K in X-band
The dielectric properties of multiwalled carbon nanotubes/silica (MWNTs/SiO2) nanocomposite with 10 wt % MWNTs are investigated in the temperature range of 373–873 K at frequencies between 8.2 and 12.4 GHz (X-band). MWNTs/SiO2 exhibits a high dielectric loss and a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) of dielectric effect that complex permittivity increases monotonically with increasing temperature. The PTC effect on the dielectric constant is ascribed to the decreased relaxation time of interface charge polarization, and the PTC effect on the dielectric loss is mainly attributed to the increasing electrical conductivity. The loss tangent strongly supports the dominating contribution of conductance to the dielectric loss.