To evaluate demographic and clinical features of vestibular migraine (VM) patients METHODS: Four hundred fifteen patients with VM were evaluated by using a structured questionnaire in addition to clinical examination.The mean age of headache and vertigo onset was 25 years and 39 years, respectively. In 12.3%, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) was detected during the interictal period. Ten percent had hearing loss on audiometry, in 8.7% it was one-sided low-frequency sensory-neural hearing loss below 2000 Hz and the history was typical for Meniere's disease (MD) in addition to VM. Tinnitus was present in 94.4%, aural fullness in 83.4%, nausea in 72.2% and vomiting in 30.5% of patients with VM/MD. The prevalence of these symptoms was higher in patients with VM/MD than in pure VM. Median attack severity determined by visual analog scale measured in centimeters from 0 to 10 was 8 for headache and 7 for vertigo for the whole group. Severe headache was significantly correlated with age of ≤ 43 years (OR: 6.831, 95% CI: [4.10-11.63]; p < 0.001) and severe vertigo was significantly correlated with age ≥ 41 years (OR: 7.073, 95% CI: [4.55-10.98]; p < 0.001). Motion sickness was revealed from past medical history in 51.8%. Family history of migraine was present in 72.5% and the age of onset of both migraine headaches (p = 0.008) and vertigo attacks (p = 0.004) was lower in these patients.Younger patients suffered more severe headache attacks whereas vertigo attack severity was higher in the elderly. BPPV and MD were commonly associated with VM and VM/MD was accompanied by aural and autonomic features more frequently than pure VM. Previous history of motion sickness was detected in more than half of the whole group. Family history of migraine was associated with younger onset of migraine headaches and vertigo attacks.