This Letter proposes a circularly polarized (CP) light GaN micro-LED which is integrated with functional metasurfaces. The one-dimensional metallic nanograting can achieve a high transverse electric (TE) reflectivity ( RTE ) and extinction ratio (ER) of TE and transverse magnetic (TM) waves, which is highly polarized output for micro-LEDs. Besides, the nanograting, which is integrated on the bottom of the GaN layer, can also support a resonant cavity, together with the top distributed Bragg reflector, which can shape the radiation pattern. By optimizing the structure parameters of nanograting, the RTE achieves over 80%, and the ER reaches higher than 38 dB at 450 nm for the GaN micro-LED. Additionally, the metasurface, which acts as a quarter-wave plate, was investigated to control the phase delay between the polarization state of the electric wave in two orthogonal components. Finally, the circular shape of the transmitted pattern denotes the high performance of the metasurface which is integrated in the micro-LED for CP light emission. The work reported in this Letter might provide potential application in a 3D polarized light display.