Using social media applications can lead to increased body dissatisfaction among young women, particularly when they compare themselves to such images. One intervention for combating these harmful effects may be through self-compassion, or the ability to treat oneself as a friend. The goal of this study was to determine whether a self-compassion micro-intervention could prevent increases in body dissatisfaction after comparing themselves to thin ideal images on Instagram. In an online study, 230 women (M = 25.88, SD = 0.70) completed measures of state weight and appearance dissatisfaction before completing a brief self-compassion writing task (experimental condition) or a simple sorting task (control condition). After completing the assigned tasks, participants reported state body dissatisfaction. Next, they were asked to compare themselves to pre-selected thin ideal images of a curated Instagram profile before reporting state body dissatisfaction for a final time. The results demonstrated that the self-compassion intervention led to decreased in weight dissatisfaction and appearance dissatisfaction that were maintained after Instagram use. Those in the control condition showed increased in body image concern after Instagram use. These preliminary findings suggest that a self-compassion micro-intervention may serve as an effective buffer against certain adverse effects of social media on body image.