Characteristics of micro energetic semiconductor bridge initiator by depositing Al/MoO3 reactive multilayered films on micro bridge with different bridge size
Four types of Al/MoO3 micro energetic semiconductor bridge (MESCB) initiators were prepared by integrating 3 µm Al/MoO3 reactive multilayer films (RMFs) on micro semiconductor bridge (MSCB) with different bridge areas. The bridge areas were varied from 11661 µm2 to 489 µm2, and the ratio of length to width, the thickness, V-type angle were fixed at 0.54, 2.5 µm, 90°, respectively. The heating process of MSCB before electrical explosive was analyzed with multi physical simulation (MPS). The electrical explosive characteristics of these MESCB as well as MSCB were investigated under the stimulation of 47 µF tantalum capacitor discharge. The MPS results reveal that the V-shaped sharp corner of MSCB has highest temperature and the completed melting time of MSCB is decreased with lowing of bridge area. The critical burst time and critical burst energy of MSCB and MESCB also decrease with the decreasing of bridge area. When bridge area is 11661 µm2, the critical burst time of MSCB and MESCB drops with applied voltage, while critical burst energy is independent on applied voltage. Besides, the critical burst time and energy of MESCB are the higher than that of MSCB with bridge area of 11661 µm2. When the bridge area is reduced to 2915 µm2, the critical burst time and critical burst energy for MESCB are no significant difference with the corresponding MSCB. In addition, the critical burst time MSCB and MESCB have no relationship with outer stimulation energy as the bridge area further decrease at 489 µm2. The flame duration time of MESCB barely decreases when lowing the bridge area, which suggests that the energy consumption of MESCB can be reduced by decreasing the bridge area without weakening its firing performance.