The new tea cultivar Ziyan has a high content of anthocyanin and ester catechins in the raw material, but the conventional processing and application methods are limited. To explore its application potential, the freeze-drying method was used to prepare microcapsules with an embedding time of 30 min, solid content of 30%, and core to wall ratio of 1:10 (g/g). The anthocyanin recovery was 95.94 ± 0.50%, and the encapsulation efficiency was 96.15 ± 0.11%. The stability of microcapsules and composite wall materials was evaluated in the simulation system. Results showed that microcapsules employing a maltodextrin–gum arabic ratio of 2:8 (w/w) as the wall material significantly reduced degradation rates, extending anthocyanin half-life under various storage conditions. Characterization indicated improved physical properties of Ziyan anthocyanin powder post-microencapsulation. FT-IR and DSC- revealed the formation of a new phase between anthocyanins and wall materials, leading to increased enthalpy and enhanced thermal stability. The microencapsulation results of this experiment proved that the storage stability of anthocyanin was effectively enhanced.